Distributed Database Architecture

Data independence:

Logical data independence: 
User application should not be affected by the logical data independence. 
Physical independence: 
Hiding the details of storage structure. 
only the centralized DBMS form is important. 

Naming Transparency:

location transparency:
An operation performed on the data is independent of both location and system where it is executed. 
Naming transparency :
Unique name is assigned to each identifiers. 


Higher level semantics is separated from the lower level semantics. 
Hiding implementation from the users. 
Network transparency 
data transparency
fragmentation transparency 
replication transparency 

Transparency can be provided at different level of the systems. 

Replication transparency: 
Data is replicated for reliability and performance consideration. 
Fragment transparency
DB relation are divided into smaller fragments for performance and availability reasons. 

The origin of transparency:

Access layer : Transparency feature are built into user language that is translated into requested operations 
DBMS: act as an integrated OS and DBMS,make necessary translation between OS and user interface 
OS: transparent access is provided to resources. 

DBMS architecture:

Based on components: the components and their interrelations are defined.
Based on functions: The functions that the system will perform are defined. 
Based on data: Different type of data and functional unit that will use data are defined/ 

Usually there is an interplay among them. 

Architecture of a system defines the structure.
In the foreign part of the structure there is the reference model. 
it is idealized view,
it is different from real world example but gives reasonable framework.
present the issues that need to be addressed.
present a framework with in which the design and implementation can be discussed. 

ANSI model:
A model from the 70's but still provide the interest and is the basis of distributed database systems.
Bases on data organization:

External view:   highest level of user view of the portion and relationship among data.
conceptual view: Abstract definition of the database the real world view. 
internal view:  lowest level physical definition storage issue.


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