How to move an object in Unity 3D

How to move an Object Backward and Forward in Unity 3D ! 

First of all lets discuss some of the key words that are necessary to understand. 

Vector 3:
Its a representation of 3 vector points. You have listened the x ,y and z axis. So here vector 3 takes all the 3 values.
The points in the back and forward will be (0,0,-1), (0,0,1) respectively.

Function is used to make the game rate independent.
If you multiply the variable with time it means you are saying that i want to move the object 10 meter per second.
Basically you use delta time to update your movements.

 Transform.translate is basically used for the movement of the object as it takes the 3 axis value to move the object.  It's related to the distance the object will move.

Now lets see some practical example to make a object working.

We take a cube for the example purpose. Then add script to it.

Now lets see the played situation. As my object is moving perfectly. 


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